a new way to get the body that you want

Introducing a new way to lose body fat and get the body that you want and MAKE IT EASY!

What if I told you that you don’t have to kill yourself in the gym in order to lose weight? Don’t get me wrong, going to the gym is very important for your health, and being strong just makes life easier. BUT it isn’t actually necessary for fat loss.

Here are some things to consider:

The 3 Critical Fat Loss Factors


·     Factor #1: There MUST Be a Deadline

This is Psychology 101. If there is no urgency, there is no reason for most people to take action. Think about it. At work, do you often finish your tasks days in advance, or do you find that you get things done right at the deadline? We take the same approach. We give you 6 weeks. That’s it.

·     Factor #2: It MUST Be Simple AND Methodical

Many fitness programs promise incredible results, but when you actually look at them, you get confused. They’re impossible to follow! On the other extreme are programs where there really isn’t much of a plan at all. You show up, get really tired by going through a series of random exercises, but end up with no results.

In our 6 week program we are going to make it as simple as it possibly gets. We are going to walk, just like we have for thousands of years.

·     Factor #3: There MUST Be a Challenge to Make Change

You can’t spell “challenge” without “change”. Something interesting happens when you give already motivated people a little bit of an extra incentive… a challenge. What is interesting is that most people rise to meet it! They do have to step out of their comfort zones a bit to do so, but then again, that is the purpose of a challenge!

Without these 3 factors, most exercise programs are going to fail. People need deadlines, simplicity, AND a challenge. If you’ve been missing these 3 critical fat loss factors and just dread what you see in the mirror… then your struggle can end now…



Walk for wellness fat loss challenge


The challenge is specifically designed for YOU to achieve fitness success while making it accessible for everyone and dare I say easy!  


Here’s what you get:

  •   A deadline- You have 6 weeks. Where will you end up?

  •    A simple and effective training program- 3-4, two plus mile walks per week to initiate fat burning.

  •   A challenge- In this program, you’ll be asked to step out of your comfort zone (but not much really). You’ll be asked to pay attention to what you are eating. It’ll be a change for sure, but we know you have what it takes to succeed!

  • Time outdoors- Spending time outdoors has been proven in MANY studies to improve overall sense of well-being and lower stress. You CANNOT BURN FAT IF YOU ARE TOO STRESSED OUT!

  • Community- Having a group of people that know you and where you belong is also proven to improve mental health and therefore make fat burning happen more easily. And who couldn’t use more friends?


Okay… those are just the basics… but because we really care about your success, we’ve decided to include these bonuses as well…


·        35 days of fat-melting meal plans, including simple to prepare, delicious recipes

·        A NEW dietary lecture video from Movement Lab explaining what to eat and what to stay away from.

·        Your very own personal Accountability Coach who will call you every week and ensure you have the support you need to succeed.


I worked with Stephen for several months -- and the amount of information I learned, the way my body changed, and the amount of confidence I developed was staggering. Stephen is not some part-time trainer (I've worked with a few in the past) -- he's a true coach -- is incredibly knowledgeable and encouraging. And most importantly -- he knows how to get results! You won't be disappointed.

Jacob Brown-Carmel


If you just don’t know what you want to do yet, consider this…


This is the UNFORTUNATE TRUTH about fat loss for most people.

You rarely put yourself first.  You’re always ‘doing’ for others.  Your wants, your needs…they all get shuffled around so that you can provide magical moments for the kids, so you can entertain and impress your friends, all the while you are working long hours with a job with ever increasing demands.

Taking care of others is wonderful, but it can go too far if you sacrifice yourself to do it. It can negatively impact YOUR HEALTH, and I don’t just mean your waistline. I’m talking about your mental health, and even your relationships.

This chronic state of busy-ness usually means that you are also eating quick and easy meals and fast food. These foods are full of preservatives and trans-fats which cause inflammation in your body, cause fat retention, and also increase the “stress load” on your body.

This chronic stress load and high cortisol level (the stress hormone) make it so that your body CANNOT LOSE FAT!

It takes slowing things down and taking care of yourself first INTENTIONALLY in order to see success in weight loss.

In accepting my invitation to take on this challenge please note, I’m not asking for a lot of your precious time… just 35 short days.

So, while considering what to give everyone else, think about getting yourself just 1 small gift… I know what you can achieve if you commit yourself for just 35 days.

To accept the challenge, simply fill out the form below (mention the challenge) and we will get you signed up!

Program will run from March 11th to April 19th.

If you dont have any monetary investment in something you will simply blow it off because there is no value exchange. HOWEVER, we want to make this accessible for anyone who wants to jump-start their fitness for the spring. You can join us for just $59 for new clients and only $39 for existing clients.